Monday, April 30, 2012

Paleo Challenge

Please submit your daily points by clicking on the link on the top right.  All 14 aspects are worth 1 point. You can earn up to 13 points a day, but if you show up at the gym, you can add 3 more points to your score for the week. PRs will not be counted this challenge, this is purely a paleo diet challenge. The challenge officially begins May 1st, 2012 and ends Thursday May 31st.The cost to enter the Paleo Challenge is $20 a person and there will be no categories such as "Fire breather" or "Advanced Athlete" because this again is about the food/ diet. Please refer to the list below for specifics regarding the diet.
1) No Sugar ( This includes, but not limited to honey, agave, xylitol, stevia, xantham gum, dextrose, maltodextrin, ALCOHOL, white potatoes, etc)
2) No Grains (Corn, rice, gluten, wheat, etc)
3) No Dairy (except clarified butter or ghee)
4) No legumes
5) Protein with every meal
6) 3 servings of vegetables a day
7) Consuming healthy fats ( tree nuts, avocado cooking in olive oil, coconut oil, etc)
8) 1 serving of fruit, per zone regulations
9) Minimally processed food ( No sulfates, MSG, carrageenan)
10) Half of your body weight in water
11) Sleep 7.5 hours plus
12) Fish oil or consuming fish
13) Workout  (max 3 points a week)
14) Points for logging 
All 14 aspects are worth 1 point. You can earn up to 13 points a day, but if you show up at the gym, you can add 3 more points to your score for the week. PRs will not be counted this challenge, this is purely a paleo diet challenge. The challenge officially begins May 1st, 2012 and ends Thursday May 31st.The cost to enter the Paleo Challenge is $20 a person and there will be no categories such as "Fire breather" or "Advanced Athlete" because this again is about the food/ diet. Please refer to the list below for specifics regarding the diet.